Wonderlab is a spinoff comic written and drawn by Mimi for Project Moon. The comic takes place in Lobotomy Corporation branch O-5681 and follows three main characters, being Catt, Taii, and Rose, with other reoccurring side characters throughout the series. The comic also features many new abnormalities and introduces the concept of aberrations to the universe.
The comic takes place during Lobotomy Corporation, and in the epilogue, also during Library of Ruina.
Branch O-5681 has 5 out of the 9 Lobotomy Corporation departments, being Control, Information, Safety, Training, and Disciplinary.
The comic began on February 17th, 2020 and ended on April 9th, 2021. The comic had a total of 55 episodes, including the prologue and the epilogue.
As of August 2023, Wonderlab has been taken down at the request of Mimi and is no longer canon to the Project Moon universe or games.